The following rules, acknowledgements and guidelines are also listed in our online enrollment process through Jackrabbit. These guidelines must be followed in order to participate in any programs or activities at True Gymnastics.
Gym Rules:1. *NO ONE is permitted in the gym without an instructor.2. *ALL directions given during class must be followed. DUE TO SAFETY concerns; failure to comply can result in a warning, sitting out, or the student may be asked to leave for the day.3. Please respect Ice Castle common areas: Clean up all messes. No outside food or drink. Do not block foot traffic to neighboring businesses. Chairs must be pushed in.4. No horseplay, running, tumbling, or physical contact of any kind is allowed in the gym or waiting areas.5. No food, drink, or chewing gum permitted in the gym.6. Boys attire: gym shorts (no jeans) and a fitted shirt. Girls attire: leotard or athletic shorts/shirt. No tights or loose t-shirts. Long hair must be pulled back.7. Students must ask permission to use restroom or get a drink. Never leave gym unannounced.8. If child has plans to ride home with someone other than a parent, please inform the front desk.9. Students age 8 and under must be picked up inside the building. All students should wait by the sliding glass doors for parent. Do not enter parking lot without an adult10. Students under age 5 must have a parent or guardian present on the property during class. If the parent or guardian needs to leave for any reason, they must sign in and out at the front desk with direct indication of who is picking up the child. The parent or guardian must be at least 18 years of age.11. Please view from hallway windows. *Parents are not permitted to distract children during class or take pictures.***12. Students are expected to pay attention during class.13. Children may not be alone in gym with only one instructor present.14. Please leave valuables at home. True Gymnastics is not responsible for lost or stolen items.15. LATE FEE: A fee of $10.00 will be applied after a 10 day grace period.16. All students are to remain in the gym during class. Water bottles should be brought to class and placed on the cubby for water breaks. No student is to leave the gym for water during class.17. Parents must make a note of when the class begins and ends, if the parent is running late, please call the front desk and make us aware. Students are to remain in the gym with the staff until the parents arrive.MAKE UP POLICYWhen TRUE Gymnastics is closed for holidays you will receive a make-up. This entitles your child to one make up class for that holiday. MISSED CLASSES ARE NOT REFUNDED OR CREDITED. You are paying for your child’s space in the class, not the number of classes they attend. Each student will receive five general make-ups for 10 sessions in addition to holidays. Please call ahead or check with the Front Desk to schedule a make-up class. Make ups are to be made up prior to dropping. Summer Sessions offer unlimited make ups. When school is closed or delayed due to weather, your class will still be held. Please check our Facebook page or call our office for possible cancellations.HOLIDAYS: TRUE GYMNASTICS IS CLOSED FOR THE FOLLOWING HOLIDAYS: Labor Day- Make- up; New Year’s Eve and Day- Make up; Thanksgiving Day- Make up; Memorial Day- Make up; 4th of July- Make up; Christmas Break Dec 24th to Dec 30 NOT INCLUDED IN YOUR TUITION.True Gymnastics Payment AuthorizationI certify that I am an authorized user of this credit card and that I do not dispute scheduled payments with my credit card company provided that the transactions to the terms in this authorization form. I understand that this authorization will remain in effect until I cancel it in writing, I agree to notify True Gymnastics, LLC in writing of any changes in my account information at least 7 business days in advance of the next billing date.*Billing date is on the 7th of each month, two weeks prior to the next upcoming session.*When enrolling I understand the first session and last session is due along with the registration fee. |